만나서 방갑습니다!
My other, intermittent though intense interest is learning languages. It's something I tend to go very hard on and then ignore for years in a row. Regardless, it's enough of what makes me as a person to be here! Here are rough estimates of my proficiencies:

Language Proficiency
German A2/low B1
Russian A1/A2
Korean B2 depending on rust level!
Japanese A1
Mandarin A1...

I have been learning Korean the longest out of these. I began around 2015 and lived and breathed it for... maybe a year? or so? I studied really really hard and consumed a lot of Korean media, but my interest fell off and I just used it to speak to friends before fading away from it completely. I just recently picked it back up again a little almost 7 years later and am very surprised at how much I remember! My speaking and listening skills lag heavily behind my reading and writing skills and I'd like to have them catch up so I think I'll try and do that over the next few months.

I learned Russian for about a month and really enjoyed the language, but unfortunately I just did not find myself using it; even thongh lke half the remaining playerbase for Quake is Russian. I'd like to further my proficiency if I can find people to speak to one day!

I'm embarassed about my skill in Mandarin! I had a course on it in University and REALLY like how it sounds, but I just have no motivation to study it further. Which, by the way, is not helped by fucking TONES.

And lastly, Japanese. I've made multiple attempts to start this language but always lose interest for whatever reason. It's surprisingly easy to pick up if you speak Korean! I like the way it sounds, and Japan makes some of the best video games so this can motivate me to learn it!